Movie World by Auryn

Queensland what a fun place! There is Movie World, Wet ’n’ Wild, Sea World and Surfers Paradise. You would think I would pick Paris or India, but I’m here to tell you all about Movie World. There is so much stuff to do; where should I start? All right, I got it…I hope you are not afraid of heights! 

My name is Auryn.  First, how would I get there? I don’t suggest driving, it takes 18 and a half hours! Surprising, isn’t it? You would have to drive over 1,800 kilometres. If you take a plane it takes about 2 hours and 18 minutes. 

What would I do first? I would ride the Scooby-Doo roller coaster (because I’ve been there already). It goes 17 metres high. There’s an elevator that takes you up, and then you see a video. Then you drop backwards. After that, you turn forwards and then you feel like you’re going to fall off when you reach 17 metres high.  

Then I would ride the Road Runner roller coaster, it goes over the shed. Then I would ride the Wild West roller coaster, and then I would ride a Superhero roller coaster down in the alley near the Batwing. I forgot its name, but it is a 3D ride. There are little lasers shooters, and you must save the superheroes and citizens by shooting the giant starfish. 

There is a kids’ undercover area with little cars and kids outside area with rides even, water rides! It is so much fun! So, if you have little kids, you can take them there. 

If you’re an adult, go on the Green Lantern or Superman ride. The Green Lantern is near that 3D roller coaster I mentioned earlier.

The Ultimate Sandwich by Ava


  • 2 soft slices of bread (add some butter if you would like.) 
  • Spicy pickles. 
  • A nice soft slice of cheese. 
  • Two or three juicy tomatoes. 
  • A thin slice of fresh lettuce. 


  • A sharp cutting knife. 
  • Butter knife if you’re going to have butter on it. 
  • Cutting board. 

Making the Ultimate Sandwich 

  1. Grab the first piece of bread. 
  2. Add some spicy pickles. 
  3. Grab a nice thin piece of thin cheese to put on top. 
  4. Get your nice fresh tomatoes. 
  5. Add your lettuce. 
  6. Lastly, put your last piece of bread on your ultimate sandwich, and you are done.

The Ultimate Sandwich by Natalia

Follow these steps to make an Ultimate Sandwich. 


  • bread
  • butter
  • lettuce 
  • cheese
  • beefburger 
  • tomato 


  1.  Grab a piece of bread  
  2. Grab the piece of bread and butter it 
  3. Put a piece of cheese on buttered bread 
  4. Get the buttered piece of bread with cheese and put lettuce on 
  5. Get the bread with butter, cheese, and lettuce, and add tomato 
  6.  And last, add the beef burger 
  7.  Put the top on and enjoy the burger 

The Storm by Oscar

Really slowly the ship went under the cave into darkness. I could hear rocks falling.  Fishy smells from the ocean filled the air. The people on the rock could smell the fish swimming on the surface. A fast-moving ship recklessly bumped into the rocks and was about to tip. The wind blew mercilessly as the loud storm pounded fearlessly. The striking thunder thumped and bumped, then I jumped!

Siblings by Josh

How would you like to be lonely? If you have no one to play with at school, you can play with your siblings. 

If you are always lonely you should totally get a Sibling and have fun. You will get the best fun if they play Fornite with you every single day? 

If you have siblings, you should never worry about being lonely. Get off the internet and play with your brother and sister?  

There’s always someone there for you when you really need it like when you get blamed for things, but you did not do it. They can tell the teacher the truth. 

I hope I have convinced you that having a sibling is better than being an only child. 

The Storm by Luka

Burning oil violently shifted across the boat as the raging storm crashed onto the ship. Heavy rain combined with the storm joined in the crash. The ship started to shake as the crewmates on the rocks started to shiver and the rocks started to crack. The crew shivered in freezing air as they looked for a rescue boat. But the more and more they looked, they realised that there were rescue boats in sight.  

Two hours later the crewmates’ bodies started to go numb, but they could see a rescue boat in the mist. They were finally going to be rescued, that is until the rocks started to crack even more. The rescue boat got closer and closer until it finally got to the crew. They were saved, or so they thought. The raging storm got even more horrendous, and the boat started to rock from side to side. The crew were worried, but they could see land in the hazy mist. They looked back and saw all the other crewmates had to go back to rescue. They dropped the first two crewmates off at land and rowed back for the others. It was a bumpy ride, but they got all the crewmates back.  

The Ultimate Sandwich by Harry

Follow the instructions below to make a non-vegan Salada sandwich 

What you need is. 

  • crunchy Saladas
  • slippery butter
  • tender pork or any land meat 
  • sharp knife 
  • good parent helper  

Step one. Ask a parent for help with the cutting part. 

Step two. Get the meat machine, get the meat and the butter, but do not forget the Saladas! 

Step three. Get a knife and cut the Saladas up, then spread the butter on the Saladas. 

Step four. Grab the meat out of the fridge and place it on the meat machine.  

Step five. Find a power plug for the meat machine, and get a parent to help you cut the meat with the meat machine. 

Step six. Grab the meat off the meat machine and place it in the middle of the two Saladas (that you cut up earlier) and place it in there, then, you have yourself, a non-vegan Salada sandwich 

The Storm by Kayleen

Towering waves banged against the cliffs violently. The ship crashed into rocks and people were thrown overboard. Deafening screaming filled the air as everyone was terrified. Blood was everywhere and everyone was freezing. Some people were stuck underwater. I was in the water, and I could not breathe. Everywhere, it was raining. I was drenched but I was breathing clearly. My lips were purple, and I was shivering. 

Blue-Ringed Octopus by Ella

What It Is 

Swimming through the coast of Queensland, you suddenly spot some neon blue rings, you take a closer look and realise it’s a blue-ringed octopus. A blue-ringed octopus is a type of mollusc. 

What it looks like 

Its sandy-coloured skin with neon blue rings on it helps it camouflage onto sand, rocks, and coral. It has eight sucker-covered arms and a sack-like body. The octopi’s body is about 6-7 cm long and 4-6 cm wide; the adults weigh from 10 to 100 grams. It has 50-60 neon blue rings on it.  

Where It Lives 

You’ll find it mostly in the Great Barrier Reef or in the Pacific Ocean, but it also lives around New Guinea, the Philippines, and Indonesia.  

Its Behaviour 

Crawling on the bottom of the ocean floor, then suddenly it spots a moray eel, it shows off its neon blue rings to protect eggs. The eel doesn’t leave. So, the octopus sprays out its ink so it can’t be seen, then it bites the moray eel to paralyse it. At last, the octopus is safe, and then the female goes back to taking care of the eggs. 

Other Information 

If this kind of octopus ever bites you, you’ll need medical help imminently, because its venom is so poisonous it can kill 26 humans within minutes. Its life span is 1 and a half years in the wild. According to Animal Spot ( their apparent gentle nature, these small molluscs are known to be one of the most venomous and dangerous sea creatures on the planet!”  

Eagles by Will

What It Is 

An eagle is one of the biggest birds on Earth. It has 4 times better eyesight than any person on Earth. An eagle’s scientific name is Haliaeetus. 

What it looks like 

Eagles have brown bodies, white heads, yellow beaks, and claws. They have two wings and two claws. A male eagle’s wingspan can go up to 90cm. Their claws can grow to 2-4cm long. An eagle weighs 2.94 to 6.8kg.  

Where It Lives 

Eagles live around rivers and lakes and are mostly found in North America. 

They can be found across a large territory of Mexico right up to Canada and Alaska. 

Its Behaviour  

There are around 60 eagle species in the world and most are endangered. 

They live up to 15-20 years. They swoop down to catch their fish. They grab them with claws. If it doesn’t taste right, it will not eat the fish.  

Siblings by Dylan

Imagine you’re trying to watch tv, and all you can here is your little brother crying. Man, I wish I was an only child!   

Firstly, if you are an only child, there is no one to tease you, take your things and fight with you. You can play what you want without being disturbed. 

Secondly, you don’t get blamed for things you didn’t do.  My brother smashed the PlayStation controller and blamed me. 

Thirdly, you get more money spent on you and you can also go to more places.  I want to go to Queensland, but Mum said, ‘Sorry we don’t have enough money.’ I wish I was an only child then my parents may be able to afford to take me.  

“Shush! I’m trying to listen to music!” My brother is so annoying! I definitely wish I was an only child!    

The Grey Seal by Jessica

What It Is                     

The grey seal is a marine animal and a mammal.  

What it looks like 

It has a flat face with big eyes. The female is grey with black spots and the males are black with grey spots. The grey seals have thick rolls of flesh on their necks and chests and blubber for insulation against cold temperatures in the sea. 

Where it Lives 

The grey seal lives in the BALTIC SEA and North Atlantic Ocean.  

Its Behaviour 

The grey seals live up to 25 to 35 years and can dive for up to 30 mins. It can dive into shallow water. Gray seals can live for two days out at sea foraging for food. Gray seal pups can gain up to 1.3kg just feeding on their mother’s milk. 

Siblings by Elliott

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to have siblings? Well, I’m here today to convince you that it’s better to be an only child. 

Being an only child means that you don’t have to wait your turn to play with your toys. Imagine being able to play video games in peace without having to wait your turn. You can play a video game without Mum saying 

“Dinner time, children! When you are finished eating, your brother is back on the Xbox! 

You don’t have to deal with fighting with your brother/sister when you don’t have any siblings, I’ve talked to people who have siblings. They say that they often deal with fights with their older sibling and it’s a nightmare! 

Being an only child means that your parents will be able to afford expensive vacations. It would’ve cost a lot more for 4 people. You’d be going through bankruptcy on the 1st day of the trip! 

Being an only child means that your parents will spend more money on you such as buying new video games, action figures. If you had siblings, your parents would never get less of you want.  

I’ve never wanted siblings because a lot of people say that having a 3yo brother who’s constantly begging you to play with them when you just got home from school  is just IRRITATING! 

Can you just imagine the experience of not being disturbed by your brother/sister who’s constantly changing the channel when your favourite show is on? Then you go to your room and your other sibling is blasting their favourite song at maximum volume! I’m an only child, so I have any peace and quiet coming home from school. 

According to scientific studies, being an only child means that you will have a brighter future and your self-confidence will increase! 

The Ultimate Sandwich by Eli

The Ultimate Subway Sandwich 

Follow these steps to make a delicious subway sandwich. 


  • Ham 
  • Cheese 
  • Tomato
  • Lettuce
  • bacon
  • Subway bread
  • Cooking oil 


  • Toaster 
  • Chopping boards
  • Sharp knife 
  • Pan 


  1. Buy a Subway footlong baguette. 
  2. Cut your bread in two. 
  3. Place your ham on the bread.
  4. Cut your cheese into pieces and place on the bread.
  5. Slice the tomato and add to your sandwich.
  6. Fry your bacon in some oil.
  7. Put your cooked bacon into the sandwich.
  8. Chop the lettuce and add to the sandwich.
  9. Toast until the bread is brown. 

Eat your delicious subway sandwich.  

The Storm by Hailey

As I stood on the rock, my heart was racing from the huge climb to the top. As I stood there on top of the huge rock, the storm raged on, the strong winds blew harshly, and the hard rain thudded recklessly. As I looked into the distance, I could still see the warm safe lighthouse glowing eerily. It was horrible and uncomfortable to spend the night on the rock. And to make matters worse, the rock was covered in disgusting guano that squelched noisily when I stepped on it. As I stood on the jagged rock with the pointed tip, thick blood slithered down my leg at a snail’s pace and the salty air smelled of the ocean.  

The Storm by Charlie

Like saber tooth tiger teeth, razor-sharp rocks sliced the water, threatening to demolish anything in its path. Towering waves pounded mercilessly on the colossal whaling boat. Suddenly there was a loud snap as the colossal whaler snapped against the rocks. Then it was descending quickly into the darkness below. The crew’s lips turned blue, and their hearts beat faster as they scampered onto the razorsharp rocks. The crumbling lighthouse shone brightly as the lighthouse keeper noticed the whaler.  

The Storm by Kai

Like a bat on fire, the deafening voices screeched plaintively from the rocks below.  Towering waves shook the ship violently. One of the rocks bashed the boat and tipped a man overboard. Just like arrows, piercing rocks sliced waves menacingly leaving the survivors drenched. Like dynamite, explosive foam frothed rapidly. Suddenly there was a crack, and the ship went down in pieces. The remaining survivors scampered up the rocks, but three of the twelve survivors were taken by the sea. As I watched them suffer, I wished I could have been there already, but my father said we must not go until dawn broke at first light.  

The Storm by Alicia G

Heavy rain roared fiercely as the lighting violently strobed. Deafening thunder crashed fearlessly as the ship rocked from side to side and up and down. High above, the clouds turned black in the Autumn darkness. The waves smashed on the boat as it slowly rocked. And then suddenly, the razor-sharp rocks scraped along the boat. Later when they arrived at the lighthouse the light flashed on and off. They saw survivors firmly gripped onto the rock. People screamed as they started sliding off the razor-sharp rocks. Then in the blink of an eye, they fell into the deep, cold saltwater.