The Storm by Violet

As l looked out of the window, l saw towering waves smashing heavily against the lighthouse. Suddenly, a gargantuan ship appeared, and it was sinking rapidly. The lighthouse light was flashing intensely. All you could hear was the heavy storm booming powerfully. I was so scared that my legs were wobbling like an earthquake. Everyone on board was screaming. Finally, it became silent... 

The Storm by Claudia

From the cloudy distance, towering waves were coming quickly toward me. The heavy rain was raging fiercely, and the rock slowly turned slippery. Like a stick trying to poke me on my rock, the scary thunder struck quickly on a huge rock next to me. All the people climbed up onto a pointy rock wobbling slowly. I heard the enormous birds screeching loudly because of the storm. My wooden ship with emerald seaweed was slowly sinking into the water and it seemed like the end of my life.      

The Storm by Alicia C

Suddenly as the ship sank, the terrified crew smashed against the razor-like rocks. As they did, the gooey blood poured rapidly down their faces. Once the crew finally got on their feet, all they saw was pitch darkness with the salty waves crashing mercilessly against them and the rocks. The viciously rocking boat suddenly came into sight and the crew got excited. They got so excited that one almost fell off. When the boat came against the sharp rock, the terrified, freezing crew scrambled on. They fought the towering waves that went above the boat so that they didn’t sink. Everyone was looking around nervously hoping the ship didn’t sink. Finally, they reached the shore and clambered off onto the beach, spitting out salty water. The crew and rescuers were finally on shore. The crew were sore but very thankful that the rescuers came before the violent waves swallowed them into the sea. 

The Storm by Jack

As cracking thunder roared above and the rain came down, the crewmates struggled to get themselves off the boat and onto the rocks. The remains of the boat sunk beneath the sea. The storm was raging now. Every bit of the boat had sunk below the sea. There was still no sign of a rescue boat. As they started to shiver, the rain poured down and the crewmates were getting colder and hungrier. They needed help. Finally, they started to see a rescue boat. The crewmates jumped onto the boat and made it back to safety in time.